Other Filters

Filter bag

As a filtration element, filter bag is a critical part in filtration, to some extent, the quality of filter bag plays a decis.

PP melt blown element

PP pleated element is pleated with internal and external supporting layers made of ultra thin PP fibrous membrane and non fab.

PP pleated element

PP pleated element is pleated with internal and external supporting layers made of ultra thin PP fibrous membrane and non fab.

Wedge wire Johnson Screen element

Wedge wire element has high mechanical strength and compressive resistance, it could sustain 480 degree C high temperature. I.

Membrane filtration

Membrane filtration is a separation technology with high precision, molecular scale filtration may be achieved, two phase sep.

Fan inlet filter element

The filter media could be selected between domestic or imported nonwoven fabric with laminated polyester (with oil resistant,.

Melt blown element

Melt blown element is made of PP non-tonic and odorless pellets, the tubular element is fabricated after melt, spin, pulling.

Powder sintered element

Precision filtration in micron scale is achieved with the powder sintered element, it could separate solid particles from liq.

Oil element

Oil element is used to remove the metallic dust and other mechanical dirts generated in the hydraulic system due to the abras.

Air element

Air elementAir element is a filter, it is also called air filter cartridge, the element is made by resin-treated micropore fi.

Separation element

The material of separation element is hydrophobic, after the removal of solids dirt and coalescence of tiny water drops into.

Coalescing element

Coalescing element is fabricated with multiple composite materials with hydrophilic characteristics, it can remove the mechan.

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